Panelology is a weekly podcast about comics. We talk about current books, what we're looking forward to, and how to get into reading comics in the first place.

Episode 49: The Manhattan Transfer

Hegelface Begins; Hanna-Barbarians; Killer Tofu; Hammer to Fall; Coffee Break; The Very Hungry Beatles; Hidee Hidee Hidee-Hail Hydra; K’un-Lun Hustle; Wedding Bells Tingling; Humpday Harker; PRV Hurts; IISG: The Leak of Assassins; LBCBR: Mike Talks Milestone

(Action Comics #976 - 5:20, Future Quest #11 - 14:45, Teen Titans #6 - 18:43, Black Hammer #7 - 24:13, Helena Crash #1 - 27:39, Underwinter #1 - 33:14, Captain America: Steve Rogers #14 - 35:07, Iron Fist #1 - 39:36, Spider-Gwen #18 - 44:13, Anno Dracula #1 - 50:40, Powerless #1 - 54:29, Is It Still Good? - 1:01:52, LBCBR: Ikon #1 & Hardware #1 - 1:25:16)

Podcast theme:

The Spontaneous Elk Reunion (The Fish Who Saved The Planet) / CC BY 4.0

Episode 50: Accidentally on Porpoise

Episode 48: Welcome to the Cool Side of the Pillow